Rob Fowler
Rob Fowler ist ein Pionier des modernen Line Dance. Rob ist einer der beliebtesten Lehrer und Choreographen Großbritanniens und Europas. Rob Fowler hat 585 Tänze choreografiert, von denen 267 co-choreografiert wurden. Außerdem hatte Rob Fowler im April 2022 mit „We’re Good to Go „einen CopperKnob-Tanz auf Platz 1.
A few questions to Rob
- When did you start line dancing – how old have you been, how many years ago?
I started line dancing after an injury that stopped me working and training in karate
22 years old (1990)
- How did you get into line dancing?
I was on a weekend with a group of friends and had a few drinks and was walking through the ballroom. They were teaching country line dance. I really enjoyed it as it was very similar to “Kata” which is a set form of moves in karate. I enjoyed the Music and being taught.
- What was fascinating you about it?
I was fascinated by line dance because within each choreography incorporated different styles such as waltz, cha cha, polka, hip hop etc
The more I was learning the more I was interested in choreographing my own steps and dances.
- Which dance(s) is(are) your personal favorite dance(s) – All time dance &/or current dance?
My all time favourite dance which I’ve choreographed myself is “Deeply Completely”.
My favourite choreographed by another choreographer is “Chill Factor”.
- Which Linedance style do you prefer? Country, Catalan, Modern?
My favourite line dance style Country although I do enjoy modern too. I think if I was 20 years younger I would have enjoyed Catalan.
- You are a line dance instructor & choreographer. Is this your main profession?
Or are you having a “main” job?
Line dance and Choreography has been my main job for the last 30 years. I’ve recently taken over a Dance bar, Restaurant, Swimming pool and golf in Spain called WestVilles. Which I’m looking forward to developing over the next few years.
- Are you also working as a judge at competitions, or have you ever done this?
I have worked as a judge for UCWDC, UKCWDC and created Masters.
- How did “Masters in Line” come about and who was starting it with you?
Masters in Line started with myself , Pedro Machado, Paul McAdam, Rachael McEnaney-White to offer line dance only world championship based in Europe. With the costing of travelling internationally high, it gave the majority of competitors which back then was about 80% a chance to compete. To be judged by top coaches and instructors at the time made the events very popular.
- You received a lot of Awards! Which ones? And which is the one you are most proud of getting it?
I have over 25 Crystal Boot Awards along with competition Trophy’s.
My favourite Award had to be my “Lifetime Achievement Award” for Male Personality because it was voted for my the dancers for me as a person and not just my choreography.
Some private things 😊
- How old are you? Where were you born and raised? When and for what reason did you move to Spain?
I’m 55 years old and was born and raised in Wigan which is North West England.
I moved to Spain after Master In Line and to raise my children in a better environment.
I have two boys Cory & Jaxon (14 & 15 years old) .. and a step daughter from a previous marriage called Deanne who I’m very proud.
My Moto
“If your going to do it, Do big!”